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Tivo Hacks

Tivo Hacks

Installing a cachecard or other network card in your tivo opens up a world of useful software add-ons to further enhance your tivo - called "hacks".

Although not written by tivo themselves, a dedicated userbase of tivo owners has created many essential add-ons to your tivo - and they are all FREE


Tivoweb enables you to view all your tivo content in your web browser, over your local network, or even the internet.
Tivoweb supports themes to change its look

Tivoweb can be further enhanced by many add-on tivoweb modules that tivo owners have written.

Transferring & streaming Video

  • Extract your recordings to a PC for viewing or burning to DVD
      Tools: mfs_ftp, tserver, tclient, etivo
  • Stream recordings - i.e. view recordings live over the network from tivoweb, without waiting for them to copy first
      Tools: Vserver, tivoweb, vlc
  • Insert recordings back onto tivo
      Tools: mfs_ftp, nanvue

Standalone Scripts

These can be installed to run invisibly in the background, or in some cases operated directly from your tivo remote.
Install An easy way to install hacks
SortNP Sort your now playing list alphabetically, group by folders, add episode titles youtube
Suggs A drop-in replacement for the tivo suggestion system
Endpad Soft padding. This adds 5 mins on the end of all recordings only if that would not cause a clash with another recording.
Autospace Shows an indication of disk usage in now playing
NoSound A script to fix the no-sound problem with some cachecard equipped tivos.
Play MP3s Plays Mp3s directly on the tivo
Blocklists Ever been annoyed that your keyword wishlist picks up cartoons?
This script runs in the background, and cancels items from the todo list that match your blocklist.
RecordPast Setup a season pass direct from recordings in your now playing list
Skip2time Advance to a specific number of minutes into the recording
DailyMail a daily e-mailed status report from your TiVo


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