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Hard Drive Upgrades

Thomson TiVo

Continue using your Thomson TiVo after 1st June with the new AltEPG ready HDD upgrades

Simple drop-in replacement for your old hard drive.

tivo HDD

160GB Tivo Hard Drive Upgrade £39.00

Current Dialup Numbers

Current dialup numbers for the alternative service are 01612329094 and 08450800300

These phone lines are kindly provided by London Web and Exa-Networks


TiVo Daily Call Problems (Phone)

Some people have been having problems with the daily call not working recently.
This is particularly a problem on tiscali & talktalk phone lines.

The Fix

You can change the phone number the TiVo dials, or change the way it connects.

On your TiVo, change your dial prefix code to


Press pause to get a comma and enter (on bottom right of remote) to get a # symbol

Other numbers to try are #034, #019, #096, #014 replacing the #056 above.

It's in the menu Messages and Setup / Recorder & Phone Setup / Phone Connection / Change Dialling Options / Set Dial Prefix

This changes the way the tivo modem connects, and many people have found this solves the problem.

Broadband filters

adsl filter
It's also important that the TiVo's phone conection goes through an ADSL broadband filter (pictured left)
These are provided with your broadband router.
Not necessary for broadband from Virgin Media Cable.

Other problems

Tivo modems are also prone to failing completely after a few years (particularly after thunderstorms /mains surges).
We can repair this, or you can bypass the problem by buying a network card for your tivo, then daily calls and updates will arrive across the internet.

cachecard Tivo network card
Put your tivo on the internet with a TiVo network card and download your shows to PC/DVD !


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