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Tivo Hacks>Install

Install - an easy way to install hacks

by Mikerr - (original development thread)

We're all used to the longwinded way of installing hacks: download to pc, ftp to tivo, extract on tivo....

This hack reduces all that to simply typing "install tivoweb"

To install, copy and paste the following lines directly at a telnet prompt and press enter


http_get -T 0 -C 0 -D . -U
chmod a+x install


% install 

Available to install:

tivoweb - view and control tivo in your web browser v1.9.4
sortnp - sort your now playing list v0.57
endpad - add soft padding to all recordings v1.51

tivobin - essential command line commands like dir,ls
bufferhack - increase your livetv buffer from 30mins up to 3 hours

type install <name> to install any of the above
% install tivoweb

downloading tivoweb.tar.gz
extracting tivoweb
970 blocks

Version 1.1
- Now auto creates the hack directory if necessary
- sets up a profile if you don't have one with standard paths,
and adds shortcuts like rw and ro (make filesystem writable)
- Initial release

More details, and support thread here: original development thread


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